The Constitution and Bylaws were changed and updated in 2024 with voting approval by Executive Committee on June 26, 2024. The changes are documented in the February 2024 issue of the Joseph A. Holmes A. Holmes Safety Association Bulletin.
The previous version is available here: 2013 JAHSA Constitution and Bylaws
Article I: Name
Section 1:
This organization shall be known as the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association, as stated in its certificate of incorporation filed pursuant to the laws of the District of Columbia, dated the 19th day of February 1926. The duration of this corporation shall be perpetual.
Article II: Purpose Sheet
Section 1:
A. The Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association is organized exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes, including, the making of distributions to organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code).
B. The Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association, in accordance with applicable law, may accept tax deductible contributions from individuals, corporations and associations in the mineral extractive industries for the purpose of funding any scholarship program established or supported and to support mine rescue training activities.
C. No part of the net earnings of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, directors, officers or other private persons, except that the association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of Section 501(c)(3) purposes. No substantial part of the activities of the association shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.
D. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (1) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code) or (2) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code).
E. Dissolution. Upon dissolution of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code (or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code) or shall be distributed to the Federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.
Article III: Objectives
Section 1:
The object of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association, founded in the year nineteen hundred and sixteen, shall be to commemorate and perpetuate the safety efforts of Joseph A. Holmes, the first Director of the Bureau of Mines, United States Department of the Interior, and originator of the slogan “SAFETY FIRST.”
Section 2:
The Association promotes the development of safety methods in the mineral-extractive industries, by:
A. Making awards to individual persons, corporations or associations, who originate, develop or install meritorious safety methods, appliances or devices in the mineral-extractive industries;
B. Making awards to operating personnel, companies and others who attain meritorious safety records;
C. Making special awards to individuals in recognition of personal heroism in the face of grave personal risk in saving or attempting to save lives of others in the mineral-extractive industries; and;
D. Establishing and supporting scholarship programs at accredited educational institutions for undergraduate students enrolled in mining technology and mine safety programs and to promote mine rescue training activities.
Section 3:
The Association shall arrange and hold safety meetings, conduct safety campaigns, and provide for organized cooperative effort to encourage:
A. The prevention of fatalities and injuries and the improvement of the health conditions of all persons connected with mining, metallurgical, petroleum, natural gas, quarrying, and allied industries whether at work, in and about their homes, on public highways, or in public places.
B. The dissemination of information and instruction on subjects related to the promotion of health and safety in the prevention of plant or mine fires, explosions, or disasters from other causes.
C. The promotion of training in first aid, self-contained breathing apparatus, and other forms of protection and rescue and recovery operations.
D. The closest cooperative relations with existing organizations, including labor, management, and state and federal agencies that promote health and safety in the mineral and allied industries.
E. The promotion of educational, social and recreational activities in the mineral and allied industries, including cooperation with local and state school authorities, and other institutions in the advancement of health and safety education.
Article IV: Plan of Organization
Section 1:
The Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association shall consist of a General Secretary and two branches: the Holmes Safety Association and the Holmes Mine Rescue Association.
Section 2:
The Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health is authorized to designate the General Secretary for a two-year term.
Section 3:
The Holmes Safety Association shall consist of a National Council, state councils, district councils, and local chapters.
A. State councils may adopt their own by-laws, which shall not conflict with the Constitution or the By-laws of the Holmes Safety Association’s National Council, and they shall adopt the name of the state in which they are established. The National Council shall assist and provide oversight of the State councils.
B. District councils may adopt their own by-laws, which shall not conflict with the Constitution or the By-laws of the Holmes Safety Association’s National Council or the by-laws of the State council to which it is subordinate. Each district council shall adopt a suitable name. Where a State council exists, it shall assist and provide oversight of the district councils in its State. If no State council exists, the National Council shall render such assistance as is practicable.
C. Local chapters may adopt their own by-laws, which shall not conflict with the constitution or the by-laws of the district or State council to which they are subordinate or the Constitution or By-laws of the Holmes Safety Association’s National Council. Each chapter shall adopt a suitable name. Where a district council exists, it shall assist and provide oversight of the local chapters in its territory of the State. If no district council exists, the State council or the National Council shall render such assistance as is practicable.
Section 4:
The Holmes Mine Rescue Association shall consist of a National Council.
Article V: Jurisdiction
Section 1:
State and district councils and local chapters are subject to the policies of the Holmes Safety Association’s National Council. The state or district councils or local chapters shall engage in activities stated in Articles II and III only, unless the National Council of the Holmes Safety Association approves the activities. The National Council may decide all disputes submitted to it.
Section 2:
Financial commitments of the local chapters and state and district councils are the sole responsibility of those subordinate units. The Holmes Safety Association’s National Council is not accountable for any subordinate unit’s funds and shall not direct or control the expenditure of such funds. Each subordinate unit shall be responsible to comply with the laws of the State in which it is located and comply with any federal tax or other laws governing their activities. The tax exempt status of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association is not conveyed to any subordinate unit of Holmes Safety Association.
Article VI: Revoking Charters
Section 1:
The Holmes Safety Association’s National Council may revoke a charter of a subordinate unit for cause.
Article VII: Amendment to the Constitution
A. Amendment Proposal. The Constitution may be amended by submitting a proposal and supporting rationale to each Branch Secretary by January 31 of each year, or at least four months prior to their respective annual National Council meetings. All proposed amendments must include an endorsement by a member of an Executive Committee or receive official support of an Executive Committee. Each Secretary shall send copies of such proposals with a response form to the members of the Executive Committee and officers of their Branch. The response form shall provide a means of showing support for or against the proposal, space for comments, and include a return date to the appropriate Branch Secretary. If at least 20 members of the Holmes Safety Association’s Executive Committee and at least 15 members of the Holmes Mine Rescue Association’s Executive Committee respond, and plurality of each Branch’s responses support the proposal, the Branch Secretaries shall publish the proposal in the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Bulletin at least 60 days before each annual National Council meeting to allow comments from their membership. All comments received will be copied and distributed to the members of each Executive Committee at or before the Executive Committee sessions of the National Council meetings. After any needed discussion, each President shall call for a vote of the Executive Committee. At least 20 members of the Holmes Safety Association’s Executive Committee and at least 15 members of the Holmes Mine Rescue Association’s Executive Committee must be present in order to hold a vote. If a plurality of each Branch’s Executive Committee supports the proposal, the President shall submit the proposal to a membership vote at the Branch’s National Council meeting.
B. Voting of the Membership. If at least two-thirds of each Branch’s membership votes, from members present at their National Council meetings, to approve the proposal, the Constitution is amended. Such results shall be published in the next edition of the Bulletin.
Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association National Councils
Section 1. Membership
- Holmes Safety Association. The membership of the National Council for Holmes Safety Association shall consist of authorized representatives of state and district councils and of chapters nonaffiliated with state or district councils of the Association; authorized representatives of management, labor, and state and federal agencies; insurance companies, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and others whose work involves promoting objectives consistent with those of the Holmes Safety Association.
- Holmes Mine Rescue Association. The membership of the National Council for Holmes Mine Rescue Association shall consist of authorized representatives of management, labor, state, and federal agencies, mine rescue trainers, mine rescue team members, vendors, manufacturers, suppliers or insurance groups, academia, and contractors, and others whose work involves promoting objectives consistent with those of the Holmes Mine Rescue Association.
Section 2. Officers
- Holmes Safety Association. The officers of the National Council for Holmes Safety Association shall consist of a President, first Vice-President, second Vice-President, third Vice-President, fourth Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
- Holmes Mine Rescue Association. The officers of the National Council for the Holmes Mine Rescue Association shall consist of a President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 3. Executive Committee (representatives)
- Holmes Safety Association. The National Council for Holmes Safety Association officers, together with representatives of participating organizations or representatives from each mining area having active state councils, district councils, or chapters, shall constitute the Holmes Safety Association’s Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee for the Holmes Safety Association shall be composed of the following: representatives from each state council, representatives from district councils, and at large representatives from each of the interest groups: (a) organized labor, (b) industry management, (c) state enforcement agencies, (d) federal agencies, and (e) manufacturers, suppliers or insurance groups, academia, and contractors.
- Holmes Mine Rescue Association. The National Council for the Holmes Mine Rescue Association may consist of the Executive Committee members (which includes officers) and the members of HMRA committees and subcommittees. The Executive Committee shall include up to eighteen members: the President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, five coal company management representatives, five metal and nonmetal company management representatives, a Federal representative, and up to four other mine rescue subject matter experts (SMEs).
- The respective rule committee/subcommittee chairs will select five coal company management representatives, and five metal and nonmetal company management representatives to represent their side on the Executive Committee. The President will appoint up to four other mine rescue SMEs to the Executive Committee. The Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Federal representative are nonvoting members of the Executive Committee.
Section 4. Election of officers and Executive Committee
- Transition Procedures
For the first voting cycle after the new Bylaws have been voted upon in June 2024, nominations will be collected by the Nominating Committee for the President and Treasurer. Nominations must be submitted to the Nominating Committee by July 12, 2024. A National Council Meeting will be held at the National Mine Rescue Contest in August 2024, and a vote for President and Treasurer will be held at that time. - Holmes Safety Association. All members (including officers) of the Executive Committee, except the Secretary, are elected annually by a plurality vote of the members present at the annual National Council meeting. On or before March 31 of each year, state councils, district councils, or members of the Executive Committee shall forward to the Secretary a Nomination Form for each person being initially recommended to serve on an Executive Committee. Nominations for members who are currently serving as Executive Committee members may be recommended by statement in lieu of a completed form.
- Holmes Mine Rescue Association. The President and the Treasurer are elected for a two-year term. The President and the Treasurer are elected by a plurality vote of the Executive Committee members present at the National Council meeting; Executive Committee members may also join the meeting remotely via Webex, Teams, etc. Any HMRA member in good standing may nominate a member of the HMRA for President through the Nominating Committee. The President may not serve more than two terms consecutively. If the President is temporarily absent, the Executive Committee shall meet, and make decisions by a majority vote within the best interest of the organization. If the President is permanently incapacitated, a new election will be held. As stated above, any HMRA member in good standing may nominate a member of the HMRA for President through the Nominating Committee. Nominations for members who are currently serving as Executive Committee members or elected officers may be recommended by statement in lieu of a completed form. All meetings may be attended in person or remotely via Webex, Teams, etc.
- All elected Executive Committee members or appointed members (which includes officers) shall assume their positions at the conclusion of the annual National Council meeting at which time they were elected. For the Holmes Safety Association, all Executive Committee members shall serve for a period of one year; for the Holmes Mine Rescue Association, all Executive Committee members shall serve for a period of two years.
HMRA Executive Committee members can continue to serve consecutive 2-year terms if they are selected to return to their position by the respective rule committee/subcommittee chairs and/or appointment by the President.
Section 5. Vacancies and meeting absences
- The President shall fill through appointment all elected or appointed Executive Committee vacancies occurring during an unexpired term, for the remainder of unexpired term.
- The Executive Committee members must actively participate in the applicable branch of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association. Vice-Presidents and Executive Committee members who fail to attend at least two consecutive annual National Council meetings will be contacted by the appropriate Secretary in writing to determine their interest in remaining as members of the Executive Committee. This matter, including the reason for their absence, will be brought before the next scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee to determine if their membership should continue. The Secretary of the applicable Branch will notify individuals of the Executive Committee’s decision.
Section 6. Duties of officers and committees
- Holmes Safety Association. The National Council for the Holmes Safety Association, through its officers and members of the Executive Committee, shall assist state councils, district councils, and local chapters. They shall assist in organizing new councils and chapters, disseminating information on the progress of the Holmes Safety Association, providing articles to the Bulletin, and other matters of general interest within the scope of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association.
- Holmes Mine Rescue Association. The National Council for the Holmes Mine Rescue Association, through its officers and members of the Executive Committee, shall meet to develop best practices, procedures, and training for mine rescue capability for emergency responses. They shall disseminate these guidelines, training, or tools, which may include providing articles to the Bulletin. They may plan, participate in, sponsor, or provide support to the National Mine Rescue Training Contests or other training. HMRA will develop the rules for the respective mine rescue competition disciplines and present them to MSHA for review and acceptance. Once accepted by MSHA, the rules will serve as the “MSHA-recognized” rules for mine rescue contests regarding compliance with 30 CFR Part 49.
Section 7. General Secretary
The General Secretary shall meet at least annually with each branch of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association but has no voting rights. The General Secretary shall appoint the Secretary for each branch of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association.
Section 8. President
- Holmes Safety Association. The President shall call all meetings of the National Council and Executive Committee and preside at them. The President shall appoint a nominating committee, a finance committee, an auditing committee, and such other committees as deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the National Council and shall assign duties not otherwise provided for by the Bylaws or Constitution.
- Holmes Mine Rescue Association. The President shall call all meetings of the National Council and Executive Committee and preside at them. The President shall appoint a nominating committee, a finance committee, an auditing committee, and such other committees as deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the National Council and shall assign duties not otherwise provided for by the Bylaws or Constitution. The President shall appoint up to four other mine rescue SMEs to the executive committee.
- The Holmes Mine Rescue Association Executive Committee members shall assist the President and other officers in conducting the work of the Holmes Mine Rescue Association.
- If the President is incapacitated and cannot fulfill his duties, his responsibilities will be assumed by one member of the Executive Committee representing Coal and one member of the Executive Committee representing M/NM who have been previously appointed by the President.
Section 9. Vice Presidents
- Holmes Safety Association. The four Vice-Presidents for the Holmes Safety Association shall represent each of the interest groups as specified in Section 12.A.(1) other than that interest group represented by the President. Except for resignations or death, the Vice-Presidents shall rotate from Fourth Vice-President to President, one position each year. Persons elected to fill a vacancy as Vice-President shall be assigned from Fourth Vice-President to President, one position each year. Persons elected to fill a vacancy as Vice-President shall be assigned the Fourth Vice-President’s position regardless of how the position was vacated. The First Vice-President of the preceding year automatically becomes the nominee for President.
- The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President and other officers in conducting the work of the Branch’s National Council. In the absence of the President, the highest-ranking Vice-President who is present at a meeting shall assume the duties of the President of the Holmes Safety Association.
Section 9A. Subject matter experts (SMEs) HMRA
- The Executive Committee for Holmes Mine Rescue Association may include mine rescue SMEs from the following interest groups: (a) mine management, (b) labor, (c) state entities for coal mines, (d) state entities for metal and nonmetal mines, (e) federal agencies, (f) mine rescue trainers, (g) mine rescue team members, and (h) vendors, manufacturers, suppliers or insurance groups, academia, contractors, and other related mine rescue disciplines.
- Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) must be highly knowledgeable in mine rescue work and must have experience that includes in-mine rescue work whereby the SME has participated in mine rescue work in-by a fresh air base.
Section 10. Secretary
The Secretary for each branch of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association shall be the official contact person for all matters of business and shall provide all official responses to correspondence between meetings. Each Secretary shall notify members of all meetings of the National Council and the Executive Committee; transmit all official communications of the Council; and keep records of all meetings and proceedings of the National Council and Executive Committee. For the Holmes Safety Association, upon application of properly constituted state and district councils and local chapters, the Secretary shall issue all charters under the approved procedures and guidelines of the National Council. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as may be properly assigned by the Executive Committee and the President.
Section 11. Treasurer
The Treasurer for each branch shall receive all funds for its branch of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association and shall maintain proper accounting for these funds. Each Treasurer shall pay all the obligations of its branch of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association which have been properly presented. Annually or as necessary, each Treasurer shall prepare actual and budgeted expenses and taxes for its branch. The appropriate Treasurer shall sign all contracts, grants, and any other agreements under the applicable Executive Committees’ approved procedures. If the Treasurer is not available, the President (except a federal representative) for the appropriate branch may sign these agreements. If the President is unavailable, then any Vice-President (except a federal representative) may sign these agreements. For the Holmes Mine Rescue Association, the President may designate an Executive Committee member (except a federal representative) to sign these agreements when the President is incapacitated. Each Treasurer may recommend the investment of surplus funds and recommend how to allocate budgeted funds to assure fiscal integrity. The President and the Treasurer of each branch may not be representatives of the same interest group or entity.
Section 12. Executive Committee functions
- Duties – Holmes Safety Association. The Executive Committee shall provide oversight of the Holmes Safety Association and supervise its activities. The Executive Committee shall review and recommend all business before presenting the business to the membership. The President shall call at least one meeting of the Executive Committee before the annual National Council meeting each year at a designated time and place (may be virtual or use other means). The Executive Committee may employ such clerical and other assistants as necessary to carry out the responsibilities and duties of its National Council. The designated time and place of the annual meeting of the National Council will be selected by the President from the appropriate zone as noted in Section 12.D.(1). The President may call other meetings of the Executive Committee as necessary, or at the request of any five members of the Executive Committee, after providing 30 days’ notice in writing of a suitable time and place (may be virtual or use other means) to each member of the Executive Committee.
- Duties – Holmes Mine Rescue Association. The Executive Committee shall provide oversight of the Holmes Mine Rescue Association and supervise its activities. The Executive Committee shall review and approve all business, as possible. The Executive Committee will also review the rules proposed by the rules sub-committees and make final approval prior to presenting them to MSHA. The individual coal mine rescue field rules and the preshift rules will be approved by a majority of the five coal members of the Executive Committee. The individual metal-nonmetal mine rescue field rules and the technician team rules will be approved by a majority of the five metal-nonmetal members of the Executive Committee. The rules for first aid and bench will be approved by a majority of the Executive Committee. The President will be the deciding vote for any ties within an individual rules committee or the Executive Committee. The President shall call at least one meeting of the Executive Committee before the annual National Council meeting. The Executive Committee may employ such clerical and other assistants as necessary to carry out the responsibilities and duties of its National Council. The President may call other meetings of the Executive Committee as necessary, or at the request of any two members of the Executive Committee, after providing 30 days’ notice in writing of a suitable time and place (may be virtual or use other means) to each member of the Executive Committee.
- Quorum For Business. A minimum of twenty members of the Holmes Safety Association’s Executive Committee shall be present before any business of the Executive Committee is official. A minimum of eight members of the Holmes Mine Rescue Association’s Executive Committee shall be present before any business of the Executive Committee is official; of the eight members, there shall be a near equal representation of both Coal and Metal Non-Metal representatives. The executive committee members may also join the meeting remotely via WebEx, Teams, etc. This shall not prevent either Treasurer from paying any obligations of its Branch which have been properly presented for payment when a quorum is not available.
- Selection Of Annual Meeting Site.
(1) Holmes Safety Association. To reflect the national scope of the Holmes Safety Association, the annual meeting location of the National Council should be rotated among the following four zones listed below. The site location of the annual National Council meeting will be rotated in the following order: Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, and Zone 4. Each year, at the Executive Committee meeting of the annual National Council meeting, representatives from the following four zones may petition the Executive Committee to consider their location as a meeting site for the next annual National Council meeting in their zone. Should no representative of a particular zone which desires to host the next annual meeting, the annual meeting site will be rotated to the next zone.
Zone 1
Mississippi | Louisiana | Arkansas |
Florida | Tennessee | South Carolina |
Kentucky | West Virginia | Alabama |
North Carolina | Virginia | Georgia |
Washington, D.C. | Maryland |
Zone 2
Washington | Oregon | Idaho |
Montana | Wyoming | North Dakota |
South Dakota | Nebraska | Minnesota |
Iowa | Alaska | Missouri |
Wisconsin | Illinois |
Zone 3
Michigan | Indiana | Pennsylvania |
Ohio | New Jersey | Delaware |
New York | Rhode Island | Massachusetts |
Connecticut | New Hampshire | Vermont |
Maine |
Zone 4
California | Nevada | Utah |
Arizona | New Mexico | Colorado |
Kansas | Oklahoma | Texas |
Hawaii |
(2) Holmes Mine Rescue Association. At the annual National Council meeting, the Executive Committee and officers will determine the next annual meeting location.
Section 13. Committee formation
- (1) Holmes Safety Association. The President shall appoint each committee, which shall consist of five members from the Executive Committee, one of whom shall serve as chairperson. Committee members should represent each of the five interest groups: (a) organized labor, (b) industry management, (c) state enforcement agencies, (d) federal agencies, and (e) manufacturers, suppliers or insurance groups, academia, and contractors. Representation from each interest group shall be a primary consideration for all committee involvement.
(2) Holmes Mine Rescue Association. The President shall appoint each committee, which shall consist of at least five members, one of whom shall serve as chairperson. A diversity of representation among the eight interest groups shall be a primary consideration for all committee and subcommittee involvement. - The President shall designate a chairperson. If representation for any of the listed interest groups is unavailable, the President may appoint varying numbers of committee members so long as at least one committee member is appointed for each interest group that has available representation.
- A vice president shall oversee a committee by ensuring the committee is performing the functions delegated to the committee. The vice president participates in the committee work but is not a member of the committee and does not vote on the committee. For the Holmes Mine Rescue Association, an Executive Committee member for Federal Agencies shall oversee the Mine Rescue Rules Committee.
- A Federal representative may not be the chairperson for any audit, scholarship, or finance committee.
- The chairperson of a committee is responsible for calling committee meetings and accomplishing the work of the committee. For the Holmes Safety Association, the Chairperson may create subcommittees as needed to accomplish the work of the committee. The chairperson may designate members for a subcommittee from non-Executive Committee members. For the Holmes Mine Rescue Association, the President appoints the chairperson and members for each Mine Rescue Rules subcommittee.
- The individual coal mine rescue field rules and the preshift rules committees will be chaired by a committee member representing the coal mining industry. The individual metal-nonmetal mine rescue field rules and the technician team rules committees will be chaired by a committee member representing the respective metal-nonmetal mining industry. The rules committees for first aid, and bench, will have co-chairpersons and an equal number of committee members representing the respective coal and metal-nonmetal mining industries.
Section 14. Committee duties for Holmes Safety Association
- Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall review all nominations and recommend nominees for all elective offices and for members of the Executive Committee. At least one member of the Executive Committee, a district council, or a state council shall recommend a nomination. Nominations shall be submitted to the Secretary on or before March 31. The Secretary shall forward all nominations to the chairperson and members of the nominating committee no later than April 15. The chairperson shall communicate with the committee members prior to the National Council meeting and prepare a proposed slate for presentation to the Executive Committee. Upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the President shall present the slate to the membership at the annual National Council meeting for a voice vote and a plurality vote of those present must approve.
The chairperson may call meetings of the Nominating Committee as necessary and at a convenient time prior to the annual National Council meeting. - Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall conduct periodic reviews of the Branch’s actual and budgeted expenses, recommend the investment of surplus funds, recommend reallocating budgeted funds, and recommend any other action necessary to assure the fiscal integrity of the Branch. The Treasurer for the Holmes Safety Association is not a member of the Finance Committee but shall attend its meetings.
- Audit Committee. The Audit Committee shall, at least once a year, examine and audit the funds and securities belonging to the Holmes Safety Association and report at the annual meeting of the National Council. The Treasurer for the Holmes Safety Association is not a member of the Audit Committee but shall attend its meetings.
- Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship Committee will administer the Joseph A. Holmes Scholarship Program under the approved procedures and guidelines of the Holmes Safety Association’s Executive Committee. The Holmes Safety Association receives donations for scholarships. The Treasurer for the Holmes Safety Association will maintain these donations in a separate account. The Scholarship Committee shall provide the Holmes Safety Association’s Executive Committee with an annual report for review and approval.
- Program Committee. The Program Committee is to develop and coordinate the annual National Council meeting as outlined in Section 12.E.(1). The committee will arrange all appropriate accommodation as necessary in fulfilling mine safety educational objectives. The chairperson may delegate specific program components to committee members and strive in a collective effort to accomplish informational goals. A committee representative shall report on the Program Committee’s strategies for the following annual National Council meetings.
- Revitalization Committee. The Revitalization Committee shall plan, develop, and promote meetings to encourage active membership throughout the States mentioned in Section 12.E. Committee members are to assist in promoting mine safety by organizing, producing, and distributing educational and training information to interested parties. The committee will identify potential growth areas and assist with establishing new or reviving existing chapters and councils as necessary. A committee representative shall report on the status and future strategies concerning revitalization efforts.
- Awards Committee. The Awards Committee will administer the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Awards under the Executive Committee’s approved procedures and guidelines. The committee shall review all award applications and recommend approval or disapproval according to their specified criteria. The National Secretary for the Holmes Safety Association shall send the chairperson and the committee members all award applications submitted. Each committee member shall respond to the chairperson as award applications are received and evaluated. The committee shall monitor award activities and may suggest potential improvements for the recognition of industry safety efforts as necessary.
- Constitution Committee. The Constitution Committee shall monitor all committee activities in reference to existing Constitution guidelines. The chairperson along with Constitution Committee members may recommend amendment development to the Bylaws or Constitution. The Committee shall report all amendment proposals and any committee activity on proposed amendments of the Bylaws and Constitution to the Executive Committee.
Section 15. Committee duties for Holmes Mine Rescue Association
- Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall review all nominations and recommend nominees for the elected positions – President and Treasurer, and for the appointed members of the Executive Committee. At least one member of the Executive Committee shall recommend a nomination. Nominations shall be submitted to the Secretary on or before March 31 of the applicable year or four months before the applicable annual National Council meeting. The Secretary shall forward all nominations to the chairperson and members of the Nominating Committee no later than April 15 of the same year or within 15 days of submission. The chairperson shall communicate with the committee members prior to the applicable annual National Council meeting and using the Executive Committee’s approved procedures and guidelines, prepare a list of nominees for presentation to the Executive Committee. The President shall call for a voice vote of the Executive Committee and a plurality vote of those present must approve the nominees for the elected positions, President, and Treasurer; this can be done remotely via Webex, Teams, etc. The nominees from the respective rules committee chairs for the appointed members of the Executive Committee shall be sent to the President.
If an Executive Committee Member needs to be replaced due to resignation or illness, the President shall fill the position temporarily until another election can be held.
The chairperson of the Nominating Committee may call meetings of the Nominating Committee as necessary and at a convenient time prior to an annual National Council meeting. - Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall conduct periodic reviews of the Branch’s actual and budgeted expenses, recommend the investment of surplus funds, recommend reallocating budgeted funds, and recommend any other action necessary to assure the fiscal integrity of the Branch and the Association. The Treasurer for the Holmes Mine Rescue Association is not a member of the Finance Committee but shall attend its meetings.
- Audit Committee. The Audit Committee shall, at least once a year, examine and audit the funds and securities belonging to the Holmes Mine Rescue Association and report at the annual meeting of the National Council. The Treasurer for the Holmes Mine Rescue Association is not a member of the Audit Committee but shall attend its meetings.
- Mine Rescue Rules Committee. The Mine Rescue Rules Committee has six subcommittees. The chairperson/co-chairperson for each Subcommittee is a member of the Mine Rescue Rules Committee. The individual coal mine rescue field rules and the Preshift rules committees will be chaired by a committee member representing the coal mining industry. The individual metal-nonmetal mine rescue field rules and the technician team rules committees will be chaired by a committee member representing the metal-nonmetal mining industry. The (first aid and bench rules) will have co-chairpersons and an equal number of committee members representing the respective coal and metal-nonmetal mining industries. Each Subcommittee shall disseminate its rules, guidelines, training, or other tools. These Subcommittees’ members also may participate in, assist in planning, or provide support for the National Mine Safety and Health Mine Rescue Training Contest or other training. The following are the six subcommittees of the Mine Rescue Rules Committee:
- Coal Mine Rescue Subcommittee shall meet to develop best practices, procedures, rules, and training for mine rescue capability for emergency responses at coal mines.
- Metal and Nonmetal Mine Rescue Subcommittee shall meet to develop best practices, procedures, rules, and training for mine rescue capability for emergency responses at metal and nonmetal mines, including surface mines.
- The First Aid Subcommittee shall meet to develop best practices, procedures, rules, guidance, and training for first aid administered during a mine emergency.
- Bench Subcommittee shall meet to develop best practices, procedures, rules, guidance, and training for facilitating resources during a mine emergency.
- Technician Team Subcommittee shall meet to develop best practices, procedures, rules, guidance, and training for preparing and aiding a mine rescue team during a mine emergency.
- Preshift Subcommittee shall meet to develop best practices, procedures, rules, guidance, and training for the Preshift event.
- The individual rules committee will submit their proposed draft rules to the Executive Committee for final approval prior to presenting them to MSHA. Once the rules are reviewed and accepted by MSHA, they will serve as the “MSHA-recognized” rules for mine rescue contests regarding compliance with 30 CFR Part 49. The individual coal mine rescue field rules and the preshift rules will be approved by a majority of the five coal members of the Executive Committee. The individual metal-nonmetal mine rescue field rules and the technician team rules will be approved by a majority of the five metal-nonmetal members of the Executive Committee. The rules for first aid, bench, will be approved by a majority of the Executive Committee.
- The President will be the deciding vote for any ties within and individual rules committee or the Executive Committee.
Section 16. Amendments to the bylaws
- Amendment Proposal. The Bylaws may be amended by submitting a proposal and supporting rationale to the applicable Branch Secretary by January 31 of each year, or at least four months prior to their respective annual National Council meetings. All proposed amendments must include an endorsement by a member of an Executive Committee or receive official support of an Executive Committee. The Secretary of the applicable Branch shall send copies of such proposals with a response form to the members of the Executive Committee and officers of their Branch. The response form shall provide a means of showing support for or against the proposal, space for comments, and include a return date to the appropriate Branch Secretary. If at least 20 members of the Holmes Safety Association’s Executive Committee or at least 10 members of the Holmes Mine Rescue Association’s Executive Committee respond, and the plurality of the Branch’s responses support the proposal, the applicable Branch Secretary shall publish the proposal in the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Bulletin on the Holmes website at least 60 days before each annual National Council meeting to allow comments from their membership. All comments received will be copied and distributed to the members of the appropriate Executive Committee at or before the Executive Committee sessions of the National Council meetings. After any needed discussion, the President shall call for a vote of the Executive Committee. At least 20 members of the Holmes Safety Association’s Executive Committee or at least 10 members of the Holmes Mine Rescue Association’s Executive Committee must be present to hold a vote; this can be done remotely via Webex, Teams, etc. If a plurality of the Branch’s Executive Committee votes supports the proposal, the President shall submit the proposal to a membership vote at the Branch’s National Council meeting.
- Voting of Membership. If at least two-thirds of the Branch’s membership votes from members present at their National Council meetings approve the proposal, the Bylaws are amended. Such results shall be published in the next edition of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Bulletin on the Holmes website.
- Amendments. Some amendment proposals may require a vote of both Branches before adoption of the amendments. The Secretaries will meet and facilitate the resolution of any issues between the Branches of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association concerning amendment proposals.