Kansas Sunflower Safety Council

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Who We Are

The Kansas Sunflower Safety Council seeks to promote the safety and health of miners by promoting discussion, best practices and new technologies across its membership via council meetings, sharing, events and the recognition of company members for excellence in safety . We also seek to generate interest in the mining profession via the SSC Scholarship Program.



Sunflower Safety Council Scholarship

We would welcome all companies to solicit throughout their company and any educational institutes they are connected to.  The more information we distribute, the more applicants we can reach.


  • President: Chrystal A. Dye, HCC Safety Academy dyec@hutchcc.edu
  • Vice President: Jim Barta, Hutchinson Salt, jim.barta@hutchsalt.com
  • Treasurer: Carla Gustafson, Jacam carla.gustafson@jacam.com
  • Secretary: Brenda Neal, HCC Safety Academy nealb@hutchcc.edu

The Sunflower Safety Council is giving away scholarships to young adults or adults seeking continued education.  We are looking for applicants that have a mining relationship with a mining company within the Topeka, KS MSHA footprint; has a mining, mine support (diesel mechanic, electrician, blasting, etc.), geology or safety major in mind.